
Then you should get a skink I think.

Shampoo, rinse, return purchases to Target, repeat. When the rug arrived I could instantly see the blue was too green and the red was too orange.

Hauled the rug, still rolled in its plastic shipping wrap, to the store. The red-shirted woman was happy to zap the money back to my credit card, so I bought a floor lamp and throw pillow instead.

The floor lamp had possibilites, but the pillow was a no go throw. The red-shirted man was happy to zap the money back to my credit card and direct me to the light bulb aisle. I found the three-way energy-saving light bulb, some turkey and swiss for tomorrow's sandwich and a new lunchbox.

Did I mention that a plastic container of homemade chili spontaneously erupted inside my favorite lavender lunchbox? That tomato + grease mess will NOT wash out!

The red-shirted customer service-person will probably be less friendly if I take the turkey or swiss back tomorrow. Might be time to leave the do loop* and walk at the nature preserve instead. Breathe in, breathe out.

Might be a five-lined skink, but I'm not sure.
Perhaps from here this post needs pink ink. I thought I had found a small snake or maybe a legless lizard on my after school walk. It didn't scurry away as I got close, and I eventually saw it had short legs. It was a skinny eight inches long, give or take. Skinks are beneficial insect-eating reptiles according to TAMU.

*Having a little flashback to Mr. Beckman's computer programming class in 1972. We learned a bit of BASIC, and a dab of Fortran IV. The difficult part was not the programming, but creating the error-free punched tape by which our little programs at Lincoln East H.S. were transmitted over telephone lines to a computer in Omaha that was big as a house. 

© 2013 Nancy L. Ruder


seana graham said...

A skink? Cool. I don't think I've ever seen one. Nor would I have been able to describe one from the name.

Kathleen said...

I love learning about skinks from you.

Kim said...

Blue tailed skinks! I also am an experienced punch taper. When you make a mistake 500 punches back you have to punch out all the lines from the mistake forward and start over. Punch CARDS were a huge improvement when I learned Fortan!

Collagemama said...

Kim, I didn't learn as much about computing as I did about using limited time wisely. Slow and accurate beats haste with errors every time.

Kim said...

Or perhaps I am an experienced tape puncher. Definitely not an experienced cow puncher. Or a hole puncher. But I'm kind of acting like I'm punch drunk, though I've had only decaf coffee so far this afternoon!

Collagemama said...

Kim--Maybe you're an old cow hand from the Rio Grande. So glad you stopped by!