My walking buddy complains her flannel pajamas are no longer warm, cheery, or comforting on these very long nights of early winter.. The thrill is gone, as is the flannel fuzz. We long to don our happy jammies about 6:27 p.m., or maybe earlier after a rough day. Being flannel-threadbare is bad news, indeed. It's discouraging to be flanless.
Tis the best time of year for waffle suppers, Boy Scout troop pancake feeds, or German egg pancakes--eggy, soft, warm, crusty. Eggy, but not a custard, so the French "flan" is not the chilly word of the evening. So what is flannel? The origin is Welsh. It could be wool, but I'm thinking of this:
...a soft, warm, light fabric of cotton or cotton and another fiber, thickly napped on one side and used for sleepwear, undergarments, sheets, etc.
Thickly napped! Sounds like a lifestyle!
When the fuzz has departed your grannie-style nightgown, is the right term for the garment "deflanned"? "Disflanned"? "Unflanned"? Doesn't sound good, but it might be better than being fleeced or defleeced.
Dr. Seuss characters all look like they are wearing delightfully saggy jammies of flannel , fleece, or knee-stretched Walmart sweatsuits. My tiny granddoggy sports a new Schnorkie Nordic parka with reflective stripes and red fleece lining.
Stay warm. Read under the quilt.
© 2013-2016 Nancy L. Ruder
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