
Frostweed, frost warning, freeze wishing

Frost on the rooftops finally. It is safe to call it fall in North Texas. We aren't pulling out the sweaters or stowing the flipflops, but it is progress. We aren't running the a/c OR the furnace. It's happy utility bill time!

Michael at the Plano Prairie Garden blog identified the white flowered plant in my recent Moody Blues post, for which I'm grateful. He says it is frostweed, Verbesina virginica, which doesn't appear in my useless Texas Wildflowers book under either name. Click the link to see what frostweed does after a hard freeze. I hope to catch that frozen novelty sight before the year ends.

This afternoon frostweed is a village, a carnival, a PTA fundraiser for bug school. Enjoy the crowd watching.

 © 2013 Nancy L. Ruder

1 comment:

seana graham said...

Frostweed--previously unknown to me. What a great stand in for snow!