

A moment of silence followed by the serenity prayer for the first meeting of Compulsive Collectors of Toilet Paper Tubes Anonymous --Charmin Chapter.

We admitted to ourselves and to another human being that we had to get rid of the big bag of toilet paper tubes. We really should be able to construct temporary housing for homeless persons with all the toilet paper tubes if we collaborate with the compulsive collectors of plastic gallon jugs, bottle caps, wine bottles, corks, and six-pack rings.

Paper wasps are constructing a village in an abandoned flower pot on the apartment balcony. I am willing to share my home, but not with wasps. With whom would we offer to share our homes? Could I just offer them the big bag of tp tubes?

It's been a nice couple days for car safety inspections, clock-shifting, and meeting old friends for lunch and a nature walk. What was the young black man living under the High Five doing this weekend?

© 2013-2017 Nancy L. Ruder

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