
Stormy weather and amazing grace

It gets more difficult to blog. I've already told my stories. I worry my memory is an unreliable narrator. My personal mythology resembles a disintegrating comic book from the twirling rack in the dust motes of the Rexall Drug window on Main. Each week it gets more difficult to pass the quiz of current events past and future. The choppy water doesn't smell all that great. Rot stirred up from the bottom. Cherry blossom petals blast in a sideways storm. The saturated brush hovers low over the damp thick paper.

Choppy water on the Tidal Basin
Storm front approaching 
Fifty years since King's assassination


So many wreaths and speeches in fifty years. So little action in the cause of mankind as a whole.

Loyalty to mankind as a whole

Field trip kids copying quotes

© 2013-2017 Nancy L. Ruder

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