
Spinach-ham-mushroom quiche trivia

The downpour finally ends. Wade out in my gardening galoshes to the grocery store for essentials--carrots, hummus, paperclips, a padded mailing envelope, and olive oil.

One of the weirdiddlies of moving is sudden total recall loss of basic home office supplies. Somewhere over the rainbow in some totally unrelated box there's a pot of gold with post-it notes, pushpins, highlighters, and a small rubber goat. In my desk drawer I find three screwdrivers, one Phillips, two flatheads, but no pencils. Whoa! Distraction Will Robinson in the office/school supply aisle between seasonal/pet and Charmin/picnic paper goods by these spiral paper clips. I might have to pierce my nose just to wear one!

And then I spot the Trivial Pursuit neon triangle sticky notes:

 I  M U S T  H A V E  T H E M ! 

The art teacher possibilities are endless, as are the decompression stress relief options. Probably Obamacare should cover this mental health purchase.

The storm is over. The colors are fabulous and straight out of the camera with no fussing. Nice angles.

© 2014 Nancy L. Ruder


seana graham said...

Wow. The colors in the view picture are strangely similar to the supply picture. Very cool.

We would take your rain here right now if we could get it.

Collagemama said...

Thanks Seana. Rain is the forecast again today.

Kim said...

Great photo/colors! I love office supplies, too.