
Who owns the zebra?

Like you, I've been home mostly working, but also watching, aware of even the slightest happening outside my window. When there's so little to see, we really want to see it! I haven't yet reached the desperate need to create a matrix to figure out the relationships of apartment dwellers in my small nook of the big rental complex, but know that day is approaching. In this Time of Curious Social Distancing you might want to answer the classic deduction puzzle linked below.

For now, I just have questions. So many questions:
  • Why does Pacing Woman always wear saggy pants and who's she talking to on the phone?
  • Where are the parents of the little boy playing in the big puddle? 
  • Who orders Grub Hub from Panera, for heavens sake? I mean really, just make yourself a PBJ sandwich!
  • If I go to the store to buy toilet paper will I ever get a parking space again? 
  • Why does Day-Glo Wizard T-shirt Man eat all those pork rinds from the bicycle seller?
  • Is the guy upstairs auditioning for All Star Wrestling with a kangaroo or just clog dancing? 
  • What days of the week does Fleece Pajama Pants Man babysit the little girl who pretends she's driving the minivan? 
  • How many days can Purple Polo Shirt Man spend topping up the fluids in his car?
  • What's wrong with the German shepherd wearing the cone of shame?
  • Will the Red-headed Girl's roommate succeed in taking away her car keys while she's "in this condition?" 
  • Is Scrubs Gal with the red Ford Fiesta still caring for the elderly on the night shift in a nearby nursing home? I salute her!
  • When will High School Drum Major practice his routine on the bank of the flood control canal again?
Short on statements:

Nope. Still nobody twirling banners out there, but I keep watching for the return of the drum major.

© 2013-2020 Nancy L. Ruder

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

What a wonderful look at the people around you. Now I await the Drum Major as well!