
Career options under consideration due to long underwear



Brrrr again, but this time with feeling!

New occupational vistas have opened all because of this ridiculous Dallas November cold snap. Within the week I'll probably have to turn the air conditioner back on, but right now it's dang chilly for working outside. So I bought some black polyester/spandex thermal undies at the sporting goods store.

And suddenly my whole occupational outlook was transformed! [Insert rainbow cosmic enlightenment clip art here]. I now have the outfit to be a cat burglar, a recycling ninja, or an interpretive dancer. Maybe even all three at once! It's Martha Graham meets John Dortmunder on America Recycles Day.

 2014 Nancy L. Ruder


Kim said...

Working outside in cold weather is a challenge! Do you have cool fingerless gloves?

Collagemama said...

No, Kim. I am not a Cratchett. I keep my fingered gloves on as much as possible during this peculiar weather.