
N is for noticing nests in November

Craning my neck lately as nests become more visible in the baring branches. These are at the Rory Meyers Children's Adventure Garden in Dallas. The first is in the Kaleidoscope exhibit. The second is above the touch tank in the Texas Wetlands exhibit. The first seems tidy and homogeneous. The second is a crazy construction of natural and man-made materials.

Nodded off to sleep thinking not nest thoughts but cranes. At the UT-Dallas campus it is always craning!

A crane fly

Regretting that I've been so busy I missed the fall sandhill crane migration on the Rowe Sanctuary's crane cam. Craning my neck for a view of a future with a five-day work week.

crane (n.) Look up crane at Dictionary.com
Old English cran "large wading bird," common Germanic (cognates: Old Saxon krano, Old High German krano, German Kranich, and, with unexplained change of consonant, Old Norse trani), from PIE *gere-(cognates: Greek geranos, Latin grus, Welsh garan, Lithuanian garnys "heron, stork"), perhaps echoic of its cry. Metaphoric use for "machine with a long arm" is first attested late 13c. (a sense also in equivalent words in German and Greek).
crane (v.) Look up crane at Dictionary.com
"to stretch (the neck)," 1799, from crane (n.). Related: Cranedcraning.

© 2014 Nancy L. Ruder

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

I've been nest/neck-craning here in the Midwest, too!